What is PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup>?
PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> is a proven and safe way to change subconscious beliefs that may be preventing you from achieving your desired outcomes in life. The PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> belief change processes enables you to communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change the beliefs, assumptions and attitudes you hold about yourself and the world around you. The word psych is an abbreviation for psychology and, is also a variant spelling of the word psyche. The dictionary definition of psyche is mind, soul, or spirit. The overall goal of PSYCH-K is to help you free your mind from beliefs that limit your recognition of yourself as a limitless, divine being.
What is the subconscious?
The subconscious mind is a data-bank for everything, which is not in your conscious mind. It stores your beliefs, your previous experience, your memories, your skills. Everything that you have seen, done or thought is also there. It is also your guidance system.
Recent estimates indicate that the subconscious has a power that is in the order of a million times greater than that of the conscious mind. This becomes an issue when what you consciously believe you think and feel may be at odds with what you really think and feel in the deeper reaches of your psyche.
How does PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> work?
PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> is based on years of cutting-edge psychology and biology also known as split-brain research or Brain Dominance Theory first developed by renowned neurobiologist, Roger W. Sperry, who was awarded Nobel Prize in 1981. PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> is a process designed to create a balanced identification with both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.
This ‘whole-brain state’ is ideal for reprogramming the mind with new self-enhancing beliefs, reducing unwanted stress and helping you to access your ‘full response potential’ in meeting life’s challenges.
PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> is a unique process, having evolved from years of brain research and thousands of sessions with individuals and groups. When you learn to rewrite the software of your mind, you can change the printout of your life! Click here for neuroscience research about PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> and the Whole-Brain State.
What is a PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> Balance?
A PSYCH-K® Balance is a process designed to create balanced communication between both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. This is a focused time when I walk/talk you through the steps for you to re-write your subconscious mind. We do this by identifying the belief you want, internalise the belief through PSYCH‑K<sup>®</sup>, and then establishing an action to create your new reality.
How long does it take for Psych-K<sup>®</sup> to work?
Results can be seen in as little as one session. Depending on what you are using PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> for, it can take anywhere between 1 – 4 sessions. Since we are working with the subconscious mind, we are able to create rapid transformation rather than trying to consciously change.
How do I know what is causing blocks at the subconscious level?
Life generally demonstrates this by the very things we often find difficult or are causing some degree of stress. Often our limiting beliefs show up with situations that we are not enjoying or where we feel resistance. This is a great place to start questioning ourselves.
- Have I experienced trauma that keeps revisiting me?
- What stressful situations or relationships am I facing?
- Where and how am I sabotaging my outcomes?
- What do I constantly find difficult or hard to move through?
- Do I have repeated patterns that just keep showing up?
- What destructive thoughts are getting in my way?
How does PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> differ from other ‘Self-Help’ modalities?
PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> differs from other modalities in a variety of ways. While most change processes have value, there are important differences among them that make a difference. You may be surprised to read about these key differences! Many of these contrasts are addressed in Chapter 7 of Rob Williams’ book
PSYCH-K… The Missing Piece Peace In Your Life. To view the contents of Chapter 7, click the following link:
The Differences That Make a Difference.
It is Easy to use and highly effective
A PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> Balance (change process) takes only a few minutes and creates evident and sustainable change in the desired area of your life.
Safe and deeply respectful
PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> is based on the wisdom of the person and on their ability to change, more than on the ability of the Facilitator.
How did PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> begin?
PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> was originated in 1988 by Robert M. Williams, M.A. It was a response to the frustration that came with the realization that typical counselling techniques, which rely almost exclusively on “insight” and “motivation,” seldom create real and lasting changes. Rob has spent more than 30 years developing and improving PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup>. His background in both business and psychotherapy create a results-oriented approach to personal change. PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> was inspired by a variety of processes, some contemporary and some ancient. It deals with the part of the mind called the subconscious, which is capable of creating dramatic and lasting changes, quickly and easily.
Who can benefit from PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup>?
First and foremost, PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> is extremely efficient at transforming stress. Stress on the nervous system is exhausting to our bodies and has profound effects on all areas of our lives. PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> can change your perception of stress to take the emotional weight off the situation. This allows us to make more thoughtful decisions about our lives, rather than being stuck. Once you free your mind and upscale your thoughts you are suddenly able to achieve life goals with greater ease and enjoyment.
So, PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> can assist anyone who is ready to align their subconscious with what they consciously want, removing the resistance that is holding them back. Overall, PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> helps individuals to consciously and subconsciously re-perceive themselves, their circumstances, and their personal potential, in order to lead a happier and more satisfying life.
How can PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> help me?
Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve. At some point we had an experience that gave you an impression of what you are capable of and your belief about your potential has been set ever since. This can lead to a sense of learned helplessness, but you can just as easily learn to be limitless by taking responsibility to imbue the power to make things better in all areas of life. In your relationships, job performance, self-esteem, athletics, weight loss, prosperity, even your physical health.
Can PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> cure physical health conditions?
It is important to know that PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> is not a substitute for professional medical treatment, rather it is has proven to be a complement to it.
The PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> approach is about transforming any limiting subconscious beliefs you have that may be related to your condition. Especially those that are stress related. These beliefs are usually acquired in the early stages of your life, and often persist into adulthood, below the level of your conscious awareness.
There is a scientifically, well-established biological interaction between the mind and the body. That is where PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> may be of help to you.
In PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> your condition is not addressed as a medical doctor would, using a diagnosis and treatment program. In other words, with PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> we do not diagnose or treat diseases. However, by using PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup>, you can change subconscious beliefs that may be influencing your health and wellbeing, both mentally and physically. And, sometimes a condition improves dramatically just by using PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup>!
While it is not possible to guarantee a specific result, which depends largely on the individual and his or her condition, PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> has a 30+ year history of helping people achieve a satisfying and joyful life, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Is there any scientific research about PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup>?
Yes! In addition to years of research in the field of what is usually referred to as split-brain research, which began in the late 1950’s, a contemporary study regarding PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup> specifically, was published in 2011. The study was conducted using contemporary, neuro-scientific protocols. The point of the study was to determine if the Whole-Brain Posture, used extensively in PSYCH-K<sup>®</sup>, could in fact create the desired bi-lateral, symmetrical, brainwave pattern that is desired for changing subconscious beliefs. In the fall of 2011, the results were published in three peer-reviewed journals, including the fields of neuroscience, psychotherapy, and business management. Click
here to review the results of the study in any of the three publications.
What is the science of brain mapping?
The brain map below is courtesy Jeffrey L. Fannin. Ph.D.